Tianhao Zhao @Clpr

  • PhD Candidate
    Department of Economics, Emory University

  • Research interest: Macroeconomics, International finance, Computational economics

  • Hello! I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Emory University, currently on the job market. My research focuses on empirically and theoretically examining the impact of economic frictions on macroeconomic dynamics.
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Nonlinear Heterogeneous Impact of Net Worth Shocks (Job market paper)

Available at SSRN. Check the "Research" page for the presentation slides at the 30th Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings (MMM).


This package provides object-oriented API to define, train, evaluate and adapt multi-linear Adaptive Sparse Grid (ASG) interpolations. It can be used to solve high-dimensional discrete/continuous time models; perform high-dimensional non-parametric estimations; and help with other high-dimensional numerical exercises. An explanation of the ASG method can be found in this post

Dataset: CountyPlus

CountyPlus is an open-source panel dataset that covers 3000+ U.S. counties from 2003 to 2019. It consists of 100+ variables, including demographic, geographic, household balance sheet, local economy indicators. Specially, this dataset estimates household consumption, measure of local financial friction, and measure of local nominal friction (Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity).